Wednesday, May 28, 2014

When It Doesn't Make Sense

“When it doesn’t make sense, hold onto hope.”
Loren Thornburg

I’m not usually one to follow all the ins and outs of a news headline but the news of Santa Barbara hits close to home.  I find myself reading article after article trying to make sense of it.  As a graduate of UC Santa Barbara there is something unnerving to know I walked those same streets.  It isn’t totally unfamiliar to me having been there during a similar killing by car rampage.  It’s hard to know what to do with events like these.  When the numbers become names it becomes more than another news story, but a real life tragedy.  It’s these moments that we are forced to look at what we do with life when it doesn’t make sense.  The thing I keep coming back to is that somehow hope remains.  I don’t know how it does it in the midst of such deep pain and suffering that continues to come at us on all sides.  Yet, somehow hope remains even when all seems lost.  So hold onto hope when nothing makes sense.  

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away…” 
1 Peter 1:3-4 NASB

God is a god of hope.  When nothing makes sense He is our reason that we can hope.  Peter is writing to a people in the midst of suffering and persecution, which he himself had endured.  So these words don’t come in the middle of good times but in the middle of really hard times.  They don’t come from someone unaware, but all too aware of the despair life brings.  Yet, that doesn’t change the reality of the hope of Jesus Christ.  Nothing can change the reality of our hope in Jesus.  We have such a real hope in Him that it is a living hope.  He is alive and so is our hope.  Our inheritance will not fade and neither will our hope.  God is unchanging and so is His promise of hope.  So we can hold onto Him, our hope, that never fades and never changes.  When nothing makes sense, even still, hope remains. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Celebrating More

“The more you celebrate the more you find there is to celebrate.”
Loren Thornburg

I recently finished a protocol from my doctor which included a strict diet and powerful supplements.  It was quite a feat to complete.  At my follow up appointment the doctor said, “Congratulations!”.  Initially it caught me off guard that he would respond in that way.  Yet, the more I thought about it the more I realized that congratulations and celebration were in order.  I completed a difficult task.  So yes, let’s celebrate. In fact why don’t we do this more?  To celebrate means to publicly acknowledge with a gathering or enjoyable event.  What if we started celebrated and congratulating ourselves and one another more?  We just might find how much there is to celebrate in life.  Have you done something hard that you’ve been putting off for a while?…Celebrate!  Did you overcome something you didn’t think you could?…Celebrate!  No matter how small there is reason to celebrate.  How can you celebrate today?

“Celebrate God all day, every day.  I mean, revel in him!”
Philippians 4:4 MSG

With God there is always something to celebrate or revel in.  Even if none of our circumstances seem to have His hand on them, still He remains and who He is and what He has done is worth our celebration.  To 'revel in' means to get great pleasure from.  We can revel in God and celebrate Him knowing He first reveled in us.  It’s true.  He is celebrating you, He revels in you and takes great pleasure in you.  Even when you don’t have it all together He celebrates you.  He disciplines and holds you accountable, but He also celebrates.  He is so for you that He is willing to do both.  More than anyone He knows how hard your struggles are and He more than anyone He celebrates when you are willing to step out to overcome those.  Join with Him, the One who is celebrating you.  He is worth our celebration, all day, every day.  

Monday, May 12, 2014

Timing is Key

“The key to good timing is the willingness to wait.”
Loren Thornburg

When I just miss a green light I can hear the words of my dad, ‘timing is everything.’  It’s true in much more than traffic lights.  I see the importance of timing everywhere especially in matters of waiting.  In cooking we have to wait for the right timing.  Even when I’m starving I wouldn’t eat raw meat because I know the possible negative effects that would have.  Yet, sometimes it seems I am not willing to wait in other areas of my life.  It takes patience and knowing it is worth the wait.  Timing is key in the words we speak to one another, in our healing, in our relationships, in so many things. It’s everywhere.  It matters.  Mostly we struggle to wait for the right timing.  We tend to want to jump ahead forgetting it’s worth the wait.  As ready as you are, be willing to wait.  Timing makes all the difference.  

“I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”
Psalm 27:13-14 ESV

I love David’s cry in the middle of being sought by enemies he speaks to himself of the goodness of the Lord and the importance of waiting on Him.  It seems he must make note of this because it is not an easy thing to do.  Our temptation is to take matters into our own hands, forgetting we have a God that is worth waiting on.  The story of Abraham and Sarah is such a great example of the human tendency to want to provide even what God has said that he would provide.  Sarah had Abraham sleep with Hagar even though Sarah was promised a child.  It wasn’t until she was past childbearing years in her old age that God granted that promise.  I can see why David cried for his heart to take courage. It takes great courage to wait when there is no answer in sight.  It takes courage to wait for the Lord to fulfill His promises.  It takes courage so let your heart take courage for the waiting is worth it.  God’s timing is always good and He is always worth the wait.  

Monday, May 5, 2014

Life Comes In

“You have to take time to heal from the chaos of life.”
Loren Thornburg

Life brings unavoidable chaos and messes.  After having my roof redone I noticed the increased dirt and dust happening inside my house.  It seemed that we had been tracking in that which was around our home.  I see how we do this with life too.  We track into the inside of our hearts the things going on around us.  As much as we might like to believe we are unaffected we can’t deny the fact that to some degree our hearts are penetrable.  So then we must take time to clean our inside.  Although we can be careful where we walk, avoiding some of life’s unnecessary chaos and mess, there are some things that are unavoidable.  Either way life requires time to clean and restore the inside.  Give yourself space to get set right, before the mess accumulates and becomes too much to handle.  It takes time, it takes quiet and it takes all of you.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:10 ESV

It starts with seeing that there’s a mess.  This psalm of David begins with him seeking God, seeing the mess that he is in.  When we see the mess we see our need for it to be clean.  It’s when we realize we are incapable of cleaning it ourselves that we can follow David and invite God into it.  It starts with an invitation, a desire to let God come and have His way.  As simple as it sounds it’s true.  We can simply say, “God I invite you into this…” and He comes.  Yet, as easy as it sounds, it doesn’t always feel that way.  We have to be willing to take space to look at the mess, humble ourselves to our sin in the mess, and recognize our need for God in it.  As hard as it is at times it is always worth it.  God is so gentle to come into our mess.  He sits with us in it and when we’re ready He restores us.  He wants to take your mess and gives you a clean heart and a right spirit.  It begins with an invitation.