Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Talking My Language

“People need to hear; people need to know; people need to believe...enter in and speak their language.”
Loren Thornburg

We use the phrase, “now you’re talking my language,” when we agree or feel understood by someone.  More than speaking English or French it is a deeper level of meeting someone where they are with similar interests and likes.  What would that look like for you?  For me it might be someone talking softball or healthy living or being real.  Those are things I can understand and get on board with.  After having spent a few days surrounded by softball coaches I am reminded that to reach people we have to speak their language.  If you want to reach and care for a softball coach you would talk the softball lingo and so I did, which isn’t hard since that’s my lingo too.  But what about people who aren’t softball players or into the same things I am?  I need to discover what their language is and speak it if I want to have favor and influence in their life.  I am not talking about people pleasing I am talking about being intentional to enter into to people’s lives and meet them where they are.  Let’s enter in and hear them say…
“Now you’re talking my language.”    

“Instructed by the king, they set off. Then the star appeared again, the same star they had seen in the eastern skies. It led them on until it hovered over the place of the child. They could hardly contain themselves: They were in the right place! They had arrived at the right time!”  Matthew 2:9-10 Message
I love how God speaks our language!  He will use whatever He can to speak to us.  To the scholars (wise men) studying the stars He used a star.  The star they followed led them to Himself.  He is speaking to us still today, using whatever our “language” is to meet us.  Finding Him is always His desire and goal.  Often I overlook how often a song  will minister to me not realizing God is speaking my language.  He is meeting us where we are at.  He is speaking to you in your own language.  Do you hear Him?  He is drawing you closer to Him if you will listen to His voice.  Follow Him as the wise men did to the right place at the right time...to see more of Him.  Don’t miss Him...He is speaking your language.

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