Monday, December 12, 2011

Keep it BIG

Keep it Big

“Keep the big things big and the small things small.”
Loren Thornburg

A magnifying glass is really helpful when you are trying to see more clearly that which is small. Much like a microscope it allows us to make sense of things that are tiny in size. Yet, when we do this with things in our own lives we perceive them to be bigger than their actual size. As we focus on one thing too long it seems to grow in size much like a magnifying glass might do. It can increase, filling our minds and lives until that which once was small is now big, leaving no room for the big things. I find myself in that place in the busyness of the Christmas season, yet wanting to keep the big things big and the small things small. I want to let what’s most important to me in this season remain biggest in my life by the way I spend my time and the way I celebrate, before it’s too late, before the time has come and gone. Let’s keep it to size. What would it look like if the big things stayed big and the small things stayed small?

“His purpose in all of this was that the nations should seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him--though he is not far from any one of us.”
Acts 17:27 NLT

God never changes. He is always BIG! He always has been and always will be. A BIG God comes with a BIG purpose...that we would seek Him and know Him. In remembering Jesus and the unfolding of His story, of Him coming down into our story, let us not miss the purpose. He wants to be near to you. He wants you to know Him as the BIG God that He is. He wants to fill your sight and your heart as you celebrate. As you interact with friends and family, as you give gifts, as you wrap presents, as you eat together, as you do all that you do may God stay BIG in size and strength in your life.

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