“I live this life but it isn’t mine. I walk this journey but it’s not my own.”
Loren Thornburg
There is a story in the works and we are just a part of it. It’s bigger than me, bigger than you. Yet, somehow I, me, my are the most common words of our daily lives. There is an illusion that things revolve around us. Sometimes I forget that there is more than me going on. It’s easy to do with all that is within us that begs for our attention: pain, confusion, struggles, frustrations, circumstances, situations, wrestling, burdens. These things demand for us to look to them and pay attention to them and we certainly need to...for a time. There is a time and place for those things to be looked at and addressed, for to ignore them completely would only add to more of those things. However let us not forget to be willing to look past them otherwise we will become consumed with them. Let us not forget there is more than me. That may be the very thing that helps us through all that has our focus.
“...You’re looking at this backwards. The issue in Jerusalem is not what they do to me, whether arrest or murder, but what the Master Jesus does through my obedience. Can’t you see that?”
Acts 21:13 Message
Oh how we have gotten things backwards. I am so quick to forget whose I am. For I am not my own. I don’t belong to me. I didn’t make me and this life isn’t mine...it’s HIS. With that being true then we can see how Paul can say that it doesn’t matter if they arrest or murder Him so much as it matters that He does what the Father is telling Him to do. He understands his life isn’t his to do as he thinks is best but He is a child of God, belonging to Him to do what his Father thinks is best. Paul invites those with him to see it as he does. Let me extend that invitation to us, myself included. Come and see that the money in our accounts is His, the people in our lives are His, and the work that we do is His. Come and see as Jesus does. You are not your own. You’ve been bought at a price. It is not our duty but our pleasure to live our lives as not our own, but belonging to Him. The pressure’s off...you’re His...it’s His.