Monday, March 12, 2012

Learn to Look

“It’s in the looking that we see; it’s in the seeing that we find; and it’s in the finding that we are changed.”
Loren Thornburg

I’m reading about the power of looking for gifts in your day (One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp). What I’m finding is that the author’s see more when you are looking for it. It makes me want to look, but I’m like many of us and I get distracted. I find myself focused on other things and too busy to take time to look. Yet, what I’m finding is that they are like little treasures. I feel at times like a little kid on a treasure hunt wondering what surprise I might find. With each gift find I am also finding more hope and more joy. Oh some days are much harder than others to see through the hard stuff of emotions and circumstances into the change of truly being thankful and joyful. Yet, I’m intrigued and I can’t help but wonder, “What might I find today if I look?”

“Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf!”
Psalm 66:5 NIV

We’re invited to look. Look at what God has done and is doing so that you can trust what is to come and what He will do on your behalf. He loves to work on your behalf but often we miss it because we didn’t see it. We didn’t see it because we weren’t looking. It’s amazing what you see if you take time to look. One of my favorite parts of writing this Weekly Email (also known as my “WE”), along with sharing truth and encouraging others, is what it is teaching me. I am learning to look and see. I am learning to look at my week and see what it is that God has been showing me this last week. I find treasures of insight and revelation I might not have seen had I not stopped to look and ask. I find that there is something more going on in this story of my life and that changes me. It changes me when I see God is at work and is in the midst of things. In seeing more of God in the midst of my life, I also see more hope, more joy, and more freedom to trust Him for more things in my life and in more seasons of my life. He’s inviting us to come and see. Don’t you wonder what He might show you if you look?!

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