Monday, September 24, 2012

Move to be Moved

"Sometimes we need to start moving in order to be moved to keep moving.”
Loren Thornburg

I love those moments when passion overwhelms you and you can’t help but put things into action; when you feel so called towards something that nothing can stop you from making it happen.  The problem is it doesn’t always work like that.  Often we don’t feel like doing something until we start doing it.  I remember training for a half marathon.  I rarely felt like going for a run, but if I could just get my shoes on, get out the door, and start running I would start to get into it and remember why I wanted to run a half marathon.  Yet, if I were left up to what I felt like doing in that moment I would not have gone for very many runs.  Many things in life are the same way.  We have to start moving before we feel moved towards what we are wanting to do.  If you are waiting to feel moved you may have to wait awhile.  Start moving and you just might find the passion you were waiting to find.  

“No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God.”
Romans 4: 20 Amplified

Abraham had great faith that didn’t waver which I long to have.  Instead of wavering in unbelief or distrust he grew strong.  Each day we are faced with similar opportunities where we can doubt or we can walk in faith.  Abraham grew strong in his faith not because he was filled with feelings of faith but because he praised God.  He grew strong and was empowered by faith AS he gave praise.  It wasn’t that he felt like praising but that he knew that it was in praising that the faith he needed to walk through the next obstacle would come.  I have had many moments where I don’t feel like worshiping until I start singing and remembering how great my God is and how He is at work.  Often it’s not until I kneel before the Lord that I feel free before Him.  My posture leads to my praise.  It’s then, after I have started praising, AS I give praise and glory to God that I find  I am moved to keep praising.  It’s through this praise that I too am strengthened to keep moving in that which God has called me.  So let’s praise that we would find the strength and faith we need to keep moving and walking in faith.  

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