“Everything comes at a cost. So then, in everything we must ask, ‘What is the cost and is it worth it?’”
Loren Thornburg
It’s easy to recognize the cost of something monetarily. Yet, have we considered the greater cost that everything has in our life? Cost is defined as the price, sacrifice or loss required to acquire, accomplish or maintain anything. Every dream, desire, goal, and decision comes at a price, both good and bad. There is even a cost in the things we believe. The one who believes they have nothing to will sacrifice the pleasure of being valued. It costs them peace and joy to believe that is true. Often the costs are worth it, but other times we don’t realize the things we are sacrificing. Although, we can’t always know what the costs will be, we would be wise to consider them.
“They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator Himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.”
Romans 1:25 NLT
Jesus knows all about counting the costs and invites us to do the same. He counted what it would cost to die and bear the weight of our sins and decided that relationship with you and I was worth the sacrifice. He counted many other costs along the way. In the desert it wasn’t worth believing the temptations and lies from the enemy because He knew what that would cost him. He knew that He would be trading in truth if He believed the lies. When we believe the lies of the enemy we sacrifice experiencing all of the abundant life that our Father wants to give. This is what Paul is talking about here in Romans. The people of Rome were experiencing the cost of trading truth for lies. Each lie comes with a price, starting with joy and peace and continuing to relationship, intimacy, health, abundant life, and so much more. So we must ask ourselves what are our lies costing us and is it worth it?