Monday, June 22, 2015

What Really Matters

“Sometimes you have to look past the things on top to see what really matters.”

A day after the shooting at Charleston I was watching the news and they were interviewing a state politician about his thoughts on gun laws and flags at half mast.  I just kept thinking, ‘that’s not what really matters right now.’  I’ve been pleased to hear many other stories of people responding with what does really matter.  Stories of forgiveness and standing together remind me of what really matters.  While I agree there is a time and place to discuss many different things, I also find sometimes we miss what really matters.  It’s harder to look past the surface into the heart.  Yet, it is there that lies what really matters.  Many things matter like jobs, finances, health, belongings.  Yet, what really matters are the people.  Don’t miss the people in the midst of all the other things.  Don’t miss your heart in the midst of all that pulls on it.  Don’t miss what really matters in the midst of all the chaos.  

“For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.”
Phil 1:10 NLT

Paul is applauding the people of Philippi for the ways they have shared Christ and praying this would continue to be true.  His prayer is that they would continue to grow in knowledge and understanding, loving well.  He wants them to understand what really matters.  Paul says this while in prison.  Paul is the first to be able to look past his circumstances and see that it’s not his circumstances that really matter.  What really matters is that we know Christ and make Him known and that’s exactly what he is doing from prison.  He wants those who love him to see the same.  I wish I was more like Paul, yet as I struggle to see past my circumstances I cling to this prayer for you and for me.  May we follow the prayers of Paul and understand what really matters, knowing it’s not our circumstances.  It’s not based on a job, relationship, finances or health.  What really matters is loving God and loving people.  May that truly be what really matters in our lives.  

Monday, June 15, 2015

More than Dabble

Change requires a full immersion of who you are and the patience to keep doing it. 

Dabble means to take part casually or partially. It’s fun to dabble and try new things to see what you like.  The problem is that often times I dabble expecting lasting change.  Change isn’t likely to come when we dabble, but rather when we immerse ourselves and give ourselves fully to a direction.  I recently listened to a health practitioner talk about this idea with his patients.  He stated the biggest obstacle to change was this idea of dabbling as opposed to training.  I see this so often when I’m teaching but unfortunately I see it most often in myself.  I complain that something didn’t work realizing that I only tried it a few times.  We want the quick fix but the real change takes time.  What if we gave ourselves fully to the change we want to see?  What if we took that dabbling a step further?  What if instead of partial we gave all of ourselves?  Let’s do more than dabble, let’s immerse ourselves.  

“…being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience…”
Colossians 1:11

I love this part of Paul’s prayer to the Colossians.  He prays they would have great endurance and patience, but first he prays for the Lord’s might.  It’s the only way we can endure the things of this life.  We want things to happen now.  We want the fast road to change.  Unfortunately most of the lasting change we’re after doesn’t happen like that.  It happens slow.  This requires great patience and endurance on our part, which does not come naturally for us.  So then we too must ask that we would be "strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that we might have great endurance and patience."  For the change is worth the wait, it just takes time.  What I find as I wait is that I get more of Him, which is the greater change as I wait for change.  

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Love Moves Slow

The journey of the heart is best if you let it move slow.

After my recent trip to Asia I am reminded how real the effects of jet lag are on our bodies.  In the midst of my slow recovery a friend reminded me that we weren’t made to go that far that fast.  I can’t help but think that’s true for more than jet lag, but with our hearts as well.  I often find that I want my heart to move faster than it does.  I want healing faster than it comes.  The journey to freedom has no shortcuts and forgiveness takes longer than I want. So then I must wait.  I must go slow with my heart and let it take as long as it takes.  It’s not a race but a journey.  The journey of the heart is best if you let it move slow.       

“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”
Psalm 27:14 ESV

Wait!  You see this command many times throughout scripture.  It seems I’m not alone in my impatience for God to move.  I wanted Him to do things yesterday and yet He is in no hurry.  Sometimes it’s hard to trust that His timing is timely.  Sometimes He seems to move so slow.  Yet when I question His timing I can’t help but be reminded that He made time.  He is the author of time and the overseer of all times.  I’m reminded of all the times before where I saw His timing work out and was even thankful it didn’t happen as quick as I wanted.  He is so patient with me in my frequent slowness to turn to Him.  Yes, let me wait for Him!  Let our hearts take courage and wait for Him.  His timing is worth the wait.  His love moves slow, yet His love is always moving.  May it move you to wait and trust the Lord.  

Check out Audrey Assad’s song, Love Moves Slow…