Monday, March 22, 2010

Time Does More than Pass

“Time does more than changes
Time does more than grows
Time does more than heals
Time does more than shows.”
Loren Thornburg

Time is one of those things like the wind. You can’t actually see it but you can see the effects of it. Many of the effects can’t be seen because they happen so slowly. You can’t actually see a child growing but they get taller each year. You can’t see the leaves changing color but you see they have changed color. You can’t see a cut turning into a scar but you see the scar. This growth is real as is the change, but it happens so slowly that we can’t always see it changing. The same is true with ourselves. We are changing but it’s hard for us to see because it happens at such a slow rate. At least this is true for lasting change. It goes slow. So when you think time is just passing there is more that is going on that you can’t’re changing, growing, and healing. Just wait a little longer and it will show.

“That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don’t see what is enlarging us.”
Romans 8:24 MSG

I love the picture of the pregnant woman. The belly of the pregnant woman grows so slow that you can’t see it move but you see the belly has grown. It is the time and the waiting that allows this growth to take place. So is true for the things in our lives. It is time that grows us, changes us, heals us. It is time and waiting that enlarges us until we are ready to give birth to that new thing. God is not one to let anything go to waste. But He also is not one to move until just the right time, which often is not as soon as we would like. So know that as you are waiting He is enlarging, growing, and healing letting nothing go to waste. He has not forgotten you, nor left you just to pass the time. He is enlarging you to prepare you for the birth of what’s next.

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