“The time between, the time until, it’s time to live not time to kill.”
Loren Thornburg
Hope is a good thing. It is the believing expectation that something good will happen. More of life is found in between those things we are hoping for than in them. So much of our lives occur in that time between, that time “until” that which we are hoping for. The way to keep that hope alive is to make the most of the time “until” you see your hope happen. We often use the phrase time to kill which means passing time in a meaningless way. That is often what we do in life is kill time “until” the next big thing that gets our excitement. Yet if we live this way we miss most of life. For most of life is small stuff in our dailyness. Now this doesn’t mean you always have to be doing something for even rest is meaningful, but what it does mean is this moment matters. There is much life in the little stuff in the time until that thing you’re hoping for...don’t miss it.
“And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ right up to the time of His return, developing that good work and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.”
Phil 1:6 AMP
There is always HOPE when we know Jesus. That is one of His great provisions in our lives. Even in the waiting, in the time until, there is hope. For the change in you that you’ve been praying for and waiting for there is hope. At times it seems it will never happen, yet we have this promise that we can take right to where we are knowing that He is working even now, even here, developing and perfecting you. And He won’t stop “until” it is to full completion. So as you wonder what is going on in this place that seems like killing time, know that God is not killing time He is at work in You now and until His return. Knowing this we too can continue until...our hope is seen.
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