Monday, November 14, 2011

Held Together

“There is a union, a companionship by which we are held together.”

Loren Thornburg

Picture with me, what was described to elderly couple on the dance floor, trying to keep up with the square dance calls that require as much mentally as physically. Now the wife is not up to par with the other dancers, but that doesn’t stop the husband from taking her by the hand and leading her each step of the way to keep her on track and on the dance floor. This is true companionship someone with whom you share experiences with. It also reflects the archaic definition, “a raised frame with windows on the quarterdeck of a ship to allow light into the decks below.” This speaks into the depths of the picture of the union of companionship, of someone who allows light into the places that would otherwise be dark. We all need this. We all have these dark places in our decks below that don’t seem so dark when we have someone willing to share that experience with us, to partake in it with us. In doing so they allow light to come in. This is exactly what this husband did as he took his wife by the hand and helped her to dance. There is a union, a companionship that we were made for. We can’t do it alone. We need someone to allow the light in that holds us together.

“So his companions led him by the hand…” Acts 9:9 NLT

“I, John, your brother and companion (sharer and participator) with you in the tribulation and kingdom and patient endurance which are in Jesus Christ…”

Revelation 1:9 Amplified

In Acts we see the story of Saul, blinded on the road to Damascus by God. Saul fell to the ground at the sight of the light beaming down on him hearing the voice of God speak to him. Those traveling with Saul didn’t understand what happened, but they continued on with him, leading him by the hand. I love this picture and how it applies to us at times when although we are not physically blind, we need help being able to see the way through our hard times. It is as John describes himself in Revelation as a companion, a sharer and participator not only in the times of celebration, but also in those hard times that require endurance and patience. God gives us these companions at different seasons in our lives as a reflection of His perfect companionship that truly holds us together. At times we experience this more than others with him and with others but that doesn’t change the fact that we are held. He is our dance partner that loves to show us the next step even when we can’t keep up. He knows us, holds us and leads us by the hand. He invites us to share and partake in life with Him in a dance where we don’t have to know the next step for He will lead the way.

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