Monday, February 4, 2013

What I Thought I Wanted

“What we often can’t see in the moment is the blessing of not getting what we wanted.”
Loren Thornburg

When caring for a young child it is easy to see that they don’t always know what is best for them.  As adults, we understand that although something like sugar is what they want it is not what is best for them.  I am finding I am the same way.  I don’t always know what is best for me.  Often not getting what I thought I wanted makes me available for something even better.  The opportunity I didn’t get keeps me looking and brings me to an even better one.   It’s not what I thought I wanted, but it’s better.  

“Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 Amplified

Our understanding in relation to our Heavenly Father is like that of a child to a parent only much greater.  Often it's hard for me to understand why God wouldn’t work in the way that makes sense to me.  Yet, His understanding is much greater than mine.  He is sovereign and He sees all things and knows all things about me.  He knows how to work all of these things in accordance with what I need.  Like a parent it is hard to not give the child you love what they want but you know there is something better that you don’t want them to miss.  Maybe this situation that you don’t understand is the same.  Maybe your Father has something He doesn’t want you to miss even if you can’t understand it or see it right now.  That means you have to leave your insight and understanding in His hands and rely on Him, the One who created you.  So let us not rely on our understanding but on His, leaning and trusting with all that we are.  

As an additional thought enjoy these song lyrics from Sara Groves: 

Tuxedo in the closet, gold band in a box
Two days from the altar she went and called the whole thing off
What he thought he wanted, what he got instead
Leaves him broken and grateful

I passed understanding a long, long time ago
And the simple home of systems and answers we all know
What I thought I wanted, what I got instead
Leaves me broken and somehow peaceful

I keep wanting you to be fair
But that's not what you said
I want certain answers to these prayers
But that's not what you said

When I get to heaven I'm gonna go find Job
I want to ask a few hard questions, I want to know what he knows
About what it is he wanted and what he got instead
How to be broken and faithful

What I thought I wanted
What I thought I wanted
What I thought I wanted
What I thought I wanted

Staring in the water like Esops foolish dog
I can't help but reflect on what it was I almost lost
What it was I wanted, what I got instead
Leaves me broken and grateful

I'm broken and grateful
I want to be broken and grateful
I want to be broken, peaceful, faithful, grateful, grateful
I want to be broken, peaceful, faithful, grateful, grateful

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