“It’s your handle on what you can’t see that helps you make sense of what you do see.”
Loren Thornburg
It’s happening all around us but we can’t see it: Light traveling from the sun to earth, sound waves vibrating through the air, gasses flowing creating wind. We don’t see the movements happening but none of us would argue of the reality of light, sound and wind. So much of life exists in these invisible movements. The connection in relationships, the change of someone’s heart, the passion and drive within one’s spirit. We see the effects of these things but we can’t see them, they can’t be held. What we see or understand does not tell us the full story. So then we are left to conclude that there is more going on than what is visible. These invisible movements are all around us. It seems then we must trust in the things which we cannot see or understand. It is not about how we handle what we see but how we trust in what we don’t know and can’t see.
“The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.”
Hebrews 11:1 Message
While God is invisible His effects are not. He is like the wind that we can’t always see but we also can’t deny the evidence of His presence. Creation begs us to acknowledge Him, our changed lives scream of Him, and the complexity of our bodies plead for us to marvel at Him. We may not see His hand but we sure can see the works of His hand. With all of this evidence of the God we can’t see we can move forward through times that feel hard to see. He is a God of invisible movements and yet He is a God we can trust. We can trust when we see no answer or resolution in sight. We can trust Him, the One who is trustworthy, because He is our firm foundation when nothing else is firm. Even when life doesn’t make sense…He does.
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