Monday, October 24, 2011

In Process

“We are all in process and sometimes it looks messy.”
Loren Thornburg

I was sitting in front of the mirror after having my hair washed before it was going to be cut. With the towel on my head I was so glad only the people in the salon could see me and most of them were focused on other things. I wasn’t looking put together yet. Then again with most of my hair clipped on top of my head so the stylist could cut each layer just right I had the same thought. Yet, at no point did I think something was wrong. I knew that it was all a part of the process. In that moment I wished I could see the rest of my life like that. Usually I see my moments when I don’t look put together and things look a mess as a problem to be fixed rather than as part of the process. We often think it’s not okay to be in process. We forget that we are all in process between who we were and who we are becoming, between where we we’ve been and where we’re going. As we enter into the freedom to be in process we allow others to do the same. We are all in process and at different times in our lives we see and feel it more. Let’s see others with the grace of being in process and live with the freedom to be in process.

“ have clothed yourselves with a brand-new nature that is continually being renewed as you learn more and more about Christ who created this new nature within you.”
Colossians 3:10 NLT

We have been clothed with a new nature, no longer subject to the sinful nature within us. This is true and yet it is a continual process of renewal that happens as we know Christ more. It’s a process. We are in process between the sinful nature that ruled us and the new nature that is free for humility, love, gentleness, patience and all the things we hope to be. Often times we are so aware of the old nature that we forget there is still a new nature within us waiting to be clothed around us and renewed in us. As God calls us and invites us to walk in more of His nature He is okay with the process. He doesn’t see us as “not there yet,” but with a love for who we are right where we are inviting us to more of Him. He could change us in an instant if He wanted us all put together, but He doesn’t. He just wants more of us. Whatever part of the process we are in He sees more than the mess, He sees how the mess is bringing us more of Him.

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