Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Meant to Live

“You were meant to really LIVE. That’s the really real life.”
Loren Thornburg

To live by one definition means to remain alive. Yet, it also means having a fulfilling life, an exciting life. We were meant to do more than remain alive, but to really be alive with fulfillment and excitement. There is a huge gap between these two and often many of us live in the gap rather than in the midst of the really real life of abundance. We settle for less than we were meant to, less than we were created for. You were created for a life of fulfillment, a life that feels alive, which can’t be found in many of the places we settle to live. Take a butterfly for example. You would think it a waste if the butterfly stayed in the cocoon and never came out; or if it came out only to keep crawling on the ground like a caterpillar; or even still if it walked around. A butterfly has four beautiful wings and so we expect it to fly. It was created to fly and anything less would not be really living as it was intended. We have our own beautiful wings that bring fulfillment and life. They don’t look like the butterfly. They look like our different giftings, unique to each of us and changing in different seasons. Parenting, writing, mentoring, painting, creativity, hospitality, teaching, leading, we could go on forever. You were created for these things. You were meant for the really real life. You were meant to LIVE!

“Put your entire trust in the Master Jesus then you’ll live as you were meant to live.”
Acts 16:31 Message

Who knows better the things that you were created to do than the One who created you. He certainly did not create you for less than a life of fulfillment. God made you just as He intended with different gifts so that when you operate in those you find life, His life. He designed you so that you would have life. He designed you to find the really real life in His son Jesus. In His life you find an aliveness that fills you to really LIVE. When you put your entire trust in Him you find you are doing exactly what you were created to do. He leads you into those things that fulfill you and He fills you with all that you need to live the really real life...HIM.

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