Monday, January 14, 2013

Home Keys

“From here we start; To here we return; 
From here it all makes sense.
Don’t miss out or stay gone too long;  
Come back, come home, come find it.”
Loren Thornburg 

In computer typing they teach you to start your fingers on what they call the home keys.  This home row is the most important to the typist.  I rediscovered just how important this is when trying to type not realizing I was off of this row.  When my fingers don’t start on the home keys and return to those keys nothing makes sense.  Our lives work the same way.  The home row may not be as clear or easy to find as “A-S-D-F--J-K-L-;” but it is just as important.  Home refers to the point at which something is directed, the center or the heart of something.  On a keyboard it is the place our fingers start so that everything else makes sense.  In our lives home is the same: The place from which everything makes sense.  It’s our faith, our beliefs and our trust from which everything else flows.  Start there or nothing will make sense.  

“But first, be concerned about his kingdom and what has his approval.  Then all these things will be provided for you.”
Matthew 6:33 God’s Word Translation

First means before anything else.  This is where our concern for what God is doing and what He thinks needs to start so that everything else in life makes sense.  For even when things seem unknown and confusing it still makes sense because He is good, He is sovereign, and He is present.  When He is not our “home row” our lives can start to fall apart.  I have seen this first hand in my life.  When He is not the One I ask first, the One I follow solely, and the One in which my life begins and ends things seem to get off track.  I begin to do what I want, when I want, how I want and I miss the bigger picture of what God is doing.  Besides the ways this can take me down the path to destruction I am missing out.  I am missing out on who He is and what He is doing.  I am missing out on hearing from Him and seeing Him work miracles.  I miss out when I miss having Him first.  I can’t afford to have Him anything less than first. 

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