Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dry Places

“When life gets dry, take time to soak.”
Loren Thornburg

I’ve noticed that when my hands are dry they are more easily cut.  Things that normally would not leave a mark cut through the skin.  My life is not much different.  When I am in a dry season of life, where I’m not getting filled with things that refresh me I get cut much easier.  Only this time it’s not my skin, but my heart and soul.  Just like my skin needs more hydration through lotion and water in dry seasons, so does my heart.  I can’t expect my heart to respond the same in these hard seasons.  It needs more springs of life.  If you find you are getting easily cut it might be time to find what brings you life and soak in it.  

“For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.”
Psalm 107:9 ESV

God loves to satisfy the longing soul!  This psalm speaks over and over of His steadfast love for those who will turn to Him.  When we are walking through a dry place He knows exactly how to meet us and fill us with good things to revive our soul.    Life brings many hard spaces leaving us broken and dry.  Some days and some seasons require more soaking than others.  Let God restore you in the places life has cut you.  The more you can soak in Him, the more you will find the refreshing that keeps you full of life and not so easily cut.  It is Him that you need to soak in, letting His steadfast love pour over you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Consider the Context

“Don’t forget there is a bigger story going on beyond this one event.”
Loren Thornburg

I’ve been learning about how to interpret literature and if I could sum it up in one thought it would be: Consider the context.  Context means to consider the circumstances that form the setting of which it can be fully understood.  You wouldn’t start in the middle of a letter or email and expect to understand the message and intent of the sender.  I am reminded that this principle applies to more than just literature, but is true for people as well.  Although I may not be able to know the whole story of many of the people around me, what if I took a bigger look than just the event at hand.  Often we are prone to judge people based on one event ignoring the bigger picture going on.  We make assumptions about people forgetting we have picked up in the middle of the letter of their life.  Even though we don’t always have the liberty of knowing the context of each person we come across we can always assume that there is a greater context than what we see.  Therefore let us not be so quick to judge but rather quick to ask questions and consider the context of each life.  May we have the same understanding with ourselves as well.  Consider the context of your life and see the bigger picture.  There is a story being written with your life.  

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
James 1:17 ESV

Like all literature we need to read the Bible in context.  One aspect of the context of the Bible is the context of God.  We see in the scriptures that He is good and that doesn’t change, so then we can trust that in each season of our lives that is still true.  James has been writing about the importance of enduring temptation, but yet not to assume that God is the one who is tempting.  He is reminding his readers of this truth that God is a good God who gives good Gifts and that doesn’t change.  So then, we must consider the context of our God.  When we are going through difficult times He doesn’t change and His goodness to you hasn’t changed either.  Let us not forget the context of our good God.  

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Not by Sight

"Even when there seems to be no hope in sight...walk on in faith."
Loren Thornburg

There is always something more going on that I can’t see.  I was reminded of this when after a month under a new doctor’s care I wasn’t feeling any different.  However, both he and another doctor noted that my color was better.  I wasn’t able to see this difference but it indicates a change in my health on a deeper level.  I couldn’t have seen this on my own.  It reminds me how small and slow change happens and there is always more going on than I can see.  Even in your circumstance there is so much more going on than what you can see.  This gives us hope that the change we desire may be happening in ways so slow and small it’s hard to see.  We need help to see and we need patience to endure.  Even more, we need faith to believe when no change is in sight.  Even when it seems no change is in sight…walk on. 

“…for we walk by faith, not be sight…”
2 Corinthians 5:7

Following Jesus requires more than sight.  We see this spoken of all throughout scripture including here in 2 Corinthians when Paul is referring to our assurance of the resurrection.  With each opportunity to trust Jesus there is also the challenge to walk not by sight, but by faith.  It is the only way to follow Jesus.  So it seems we should expect to endure even when we can see no signs of hope.  We can walk on regardless of what we see for faith endures beyond what’s seen.  

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Clear the Stage

“The approval you are looking for isn’t found on stage.  It’s found in the freedom not to need it.” 
Loren Thornburg

We long for approval, we even perform for it, but life is not a performance.  Before performers get on stage they make sure everything is just right.  From makeup, to wardrobe, to lighting and sound it all has to be just right to create the perfect performance.  Although people may be watching you, your life was not meant to be lived like a stage.  You weren’t meant to have to always look perfect or have everything around you appear just right.  Yet, sometimes we live like that.  We think we have to have it all together.  As nice as that might sound it’s too much work and pressure.  It’s just not real life to be on stage all of the time.  So clear the stage of your life.  Let go of the masks, the trying to be something you’re not and let the real you out.  You just might find that freedom is what you’ve been looking to find.  Whatever the audience that you’ve been looking to impress, you don’t have to anymore.  You can be you in all of your imperfections and that’s enough.  

“…You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.”
Matthew 22:37-38 NLT

The first and greatest commandment from the Lord is to love Him.  It is not to work hard, have it all together, and never show your weakness.  Instead it is to love the Lord with everything you’ve got.  So it seems that God’s greatest concern is not for me to have it all together, but rather to love Him with all that I am.  I find freedom and approval in this commandment.  He knows that the growth He desires and the love for others He desires will come as I pursue Him.  He has never been about having it all together first.  His first has always been to love Him.  What we find when we love Him is that He is already loving us for all that we are, exactly as we are and that is enough.  It’s not about performance with Him.  It never has been.  It’s about letting the One who says, ‘You are enough’ be enough too.  No performance has ever been needed.  So clear the stage and let Him have His way. 

Check out Jimmy Needham’s Clear the Stage: 
Clear the stage and set the sounds and lights ablaze if 
that’s the measure you must take to crush the idols
Jerk the pews and all the decorations too, until the 
congregations few that have revival
Tell your friends that this is where the party ends, 
until your broken for your sins you can’t be social
Seek the Lord and wait for what he has in store, and 
know that great is your reward so just be hopeful,
Cause you can sing all you want to
Yes you can, sing all you want to
You can sing all you want to and still get it wrong
Oh worship is more than a song
Take a break from all the plans that you have made, and 
sit home alone and wait for God to whisper
Beg him please to open his mouth and speak and pray for 
real upon your knees until they blister
Shine the light on every corner of your life until the 
pride, and lust, and lies are in the open
Then read the word and put to test the things you’ve 
heard until your heart and soul are stirred and rocked 
and broken
We must not worship something that’s not even worth it
Clear the stage, make some space, for the one who 
deserves it
Anything I put before my God is an idol
Anything I want with all my heart is an idol
Anything I can’t stop thinking of is an idol
And anything that I give all my love is an idol