Sunday, September 28, 2014

Welcome the Process

“Sometimes it’s more than where we are going, but what we find on the way.”
Loren Thornburg

Although there are many seasons of life I would rather not repeat it is often those same seasons that I don’t want to delete.  I did not enjoy the process of figuring out what I was going to do after grad school.  It felt so purposeless and confusing.  I wasn’t sure I would ever find anything I enjoyed.  Although it sounds nice to have been able to fast forward past the waiting to the part where I find a job I love, I learned so much in that season that I wouldn’t want to miss.  I found the hard is what allowed me to enter into what I love.  It was in that season that I learned to wait and persevere.  It was also there that I learned more about what I love.  All of those things were essential for what came next.  This is how life goes with seasons of necessary hard in ways we couldn’t imagine.

“It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where we was going…They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it…” Hebrews 11:8-13 NLT

Abraham never saw the things God promised would happen.  Yet it seems what he found on the way to those promises was more than enough.  He found God, a faithful God he could put faith in regardless of what he saw.  Abraham obeyed without knowing where he was headed.  Does that sound familiar?  God often calls His people to step out in faith without knowing what’s coming next.  Abraham didn’t even ever see exactly what God was doing and where he was taking him, yet he still held onto faith.  He could welcome it from a distance without reaching the goal he set out towards because of his faithful God.  This is our same faithful God that calls us out into the unknown and asks that we trust and let Him be enough regardless of where He takes us.  God has places He wants to take us, but what’s more He wants us to find Him on the way.  For Him it’s always been about relationship with Him.  God knows that at our core that is more than we could have ever imagined.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Different Kind of Freedom

“True freedom is not when I get where I want to be.  No, true freedom is when I don’t need to be anywhere else than where I am.”
Loren Thornburg

The illusion is that we will feel more free once certain circumstances align.  There is nothing wrong with desiring things to look different.  It’s so good to have dreams and goals and to work towards them.  Yet, what I am finding as I reach my goals is that those things won’t set me free.  I didn’t even know that I thought they would, until I’m disappointed when they don’t.  It seems the only true freedom is when I don’t need those things to be free.  Circumstances will constantly change.  Even if I reach my goal, sooner or later there will be another one.  Freedom will always be one step away.  So then, the only true freedom is when right now is enough.  When where I am at is enough, then I find I am free.

“Look! The virgin will conceive a child!  She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’”
Matthew 1:23 NLT

It’s in His name.  Immanuel means God is with us.  This seems to be God’s greatest desire: to be with us.  He wants to be with you.  Often times I desire to be fixed.  I think this will bring me the freedom I desire.  Yet, no where does God say He needs me to be fixed.  No where does it say that freedom comes when I have it all together or when I’ve overcome all the obstacles.  The truth sets us free.  The truth is that God is with us.  At this very moment God is with you.  He’s not waiting for you to be fixed and so neither should you.  He is waiting for you to let Him be enough.  He is waiting for you to let Him be with you, all of you.  He is waiting, inviting you to freedom, right now in this very moment.  It’s a different kind of freedom than what we once thought.  It’s one that invites you to let Him be the “with you” God. He may not fix you but He will join you.  When that’s enough, then we are truly free.  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Space for Sorrow

“Sorrow is the bridge out of despair.”
Loren Thornburg

We avoid pain at all costs.  Whatever it takes to feel good, unless of course it takes pain.  The problem is that the relief from the pain that we desire requires pain itself.  Sorrow is required.  Time won’t heal it, avoiding won’t heal it, and pretending won’t heal it either.  While these things may distance us from the pain they have no power to heal the pain.  It is the thing we avoid most, sorrow, that leads us out of pain.  Give yourself space for sorrow.  It just might be the bridge to the joy you’ve been longing to find.  

“How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?  How long will you hide your face from me?…I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.”
Psalm 13: 1,8 ESV

David is a man of great sorrow.  All throughout the psalms we hear his sorrow and pain.  He doesn’t hide it, or pretend that he is okay, or apologize for feeling mad.  What David does is go to the Lord with his sorrow.  It is in the process of lamenting to the Lord that he finds his way to truth.  David goes from feeling forgotten by the Lord to praising the Lord.  He finds his way back to praise through the space of sorrow.  God invites us to do the same.  Share your sorrow with Him.  He loves to relate with you in your joy and in your pain.  No level of anger, frustration, grieving or sorrow is too great for Him.  Follow David into the pain and back to the truth.  

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Invisible Movement

“It’s your handle on what you can’t see that helps you make sense of what you do see.”
Loren Thornburg

It’s happening all around us but we can’t see it: Light traveling from the sun to earth, sound waves vibrating through the air, gasses flowing creating wind.   We don’t see the movements happening but none of us would argue of the reality of light, sound and wind.  So much of life exists in these invisible movements.  The connection in relationships, the change of someone’s heart, the passion and drive within one’s spirit.  We see the effects of these things but we can’t see them, they can’t be held.  What we see or understand does not tell us the full story.  So then we are left to conclude that there is more going on than what is visible. These invisible movements are all around us.  It seems then we must trust in the things which we cannot see or understand.  It is not about how we handle what we see but how we trust in what we don’t know and can’t see.

“The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living.  It’s our handle on what we can’t see.”
Hebrews 11:1 Message

While God is invisible His effects are not.  He is like the wind that we can’t always see but we also can’t deny the evidence of His presence.  Creation begs us to acknowledge Him, our changed lives scream of Him,  and the complexity of our bodies plead for us to marvel at Him.  We may not see His hand but we sure can see the works of His hand.  With all of this evidence of the God we can’t see we can move forward through times that feel hard to see.  He is a God of invisible movements and yet He is a God we can trust.  We can trust when we see no answer or resolution in sight.  We can trust Him, the One who is trustworthy, because He is our firm foundation when nothing else is firm.  Even when life doesn’t make sense…He does.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Price of Worth

“Things of greatest worth require from us things of greatest price.”
Loren Thornburg

Worth can be defined as anything successful to repay any effort, trouble or expense.  This means that anything of worth requires, effort, trouble or expense.  We often want one without the other.  We want the things of worth but we don’t want it to require too much effort and certainly not much trouble.  So often times we give up and give in to that which the process requires of us.  Yet, what if those hard places are not only reaching us towards our goals but also forming us into the people we need to be in order to maintain it?  So then, the hard places are never wasted, they are never not worth it for they are attaining for us something so much bigger than we ever thought.  Things of greatest worth will repay us for all that they required from us.  It may not be the way we thought, but it will never be wasted.

“…he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” 
Hebrews 11:6 NKJV

God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.  Sometimes seeking God requires more from me than I want to give.  Yet, what I forget is that God is after something so much greater than my comfort, He is after my freedom.  Freedom isn’t true freedom until it’s total.  It requires all of me which is often painful.  This pain is not punishment, it’s pursuit.  You’re being pursued because you’re worth it.  He sees you: every effort, every tear, every heartache.  Nothing gets missed.  He sees it and He rewards it. Nothing is wasted.  Every time you seek Him it’s worth it.  For it’s always worth it to diligently seek the One of greatest worth who says, ‘You are worth it.’