Monday, December 12, 2011

Keep it BIG

Keep it Big

“Keep the big things big and the small things small.”
Loren Thornburg

A magnifying glass is really helpful when you are trying to see more clearly that which is small. Much like a microscope it allows us to make sense of things that are tiny in size. Yet, when we do this with things in our own lives we perceive them to be bigger than their actual size. As we focus on one thing too long it seems to grow in size much like a magnifying glass might do. It can increase, filling our minds and lives until that which once was small is now big, leaving no room for the big things. I find myself in that place in the busyness of the Christmas season, yet wanting to keep the big things big and the small things small. I want to let what’s most important to me in this season remain biggest in my life by the way I spend my time and the way I celebrate, before it’s too late, before the time has come and gone. Let’s keep it to size. What would it look like if the big things stayed big and the small things stayed small?

“His purpose in all of this was that the nations should seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him--though he is not far from any one of us.”
Acts 17:27 NLT

God never changes. He is always BIG! He always has been and always will be. A BIG God comes with a BIG purpose...that we would seek Him and know Him. In remembering Jesus and the unfolding of His story, of Him coming down into our story, let us not miss the purpose. He wants to be near to you. He wants you to know Him as the BIG God that He is. He wants to fill your sight and your heart as you celebrate. As you interact with friends and family, as you give gifts, as you wrap presents, as you eat together, as you do all that you do may God stay BIG in size and strength in your life.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Devotional Book

"There is light up ahead. Though you walk through the dark, enter In."

Well it's about that time...for another devotional book.

I want to thank you all again for your encouragement and support in writing the words God has placed on my heart. It is such a blessing to see how God uses them to speak to others and bring His voice of encouragement and invitation to ENTER IN.

The proceeds from this book are being used to spread the gospel throughout Asia through Competitive Edge International, a ministry that uses softball to share the love of Jesus.

The devotionals will be similar to the emails you receive on a weekly basis. I have edited and formatted them to fit the page and I have added questions for further reflection. There is a page following each of the devotions to add your own thoughts.

I am sharing this with you now so that you can order some devotionals to give as Christmas gifts. I am asking for a starting donation of $10 per book. As the book is in its final stages of completion, I am asking for pre-orders including your check or cash so that your books may be sent to you before Christmas.


Reply to with...

-Your Name

-the address you would like it sent to

-the number of copies you would like sent


Monday, December 5, 2011


“You have a voice, so let it be heard.”

Loren Thornburg

There is much power in being heard. Having lost my voice I realized how important a voice is and how limiting it feels without one. Communication is key to relationship and connection. Without those it is lonely and abundant life is hindered. Thankfully there are many ways that we communicate beyond speech including writing, smiling, touching and our actions. In addition to the frustration of not being able to connect, there is also the frustration of not being heard. In the midst of speaking (or trying to speak) and finding people couldn’t hear me or understand me I saw how this frustration extends beyond our physical voices to the ways that we often don’t feel “heard.” It correlates closely to our worth and our purpose. I pictured the young boy I saw at the coffee shop sitting a part from his mom who was in a conversation with a friend. The mom did not want to be interrupted. You could see the hurt on the face of the child, longing to be heard, longing to be noticed, longing to feel important enough to receive space from his mom to be “heard.” We all want to be heard, to have a voice, to feel like we have something to offer. When we are heard we hear more than our voice, but our heart hears that we are worth it. We all have something worth being heard, worth someones time, worth that is intrinsic worth. You have a voice. You have much to offer. Let it be heard and let others be heard. Be someone who hears so that someone else might know they are worth being heard.

“And how bold and free we then become in his presence, freely asking according to His will, sure that He’s listening.”

1 John 4:14 MSG

In the midst of having lost my voice I realized I have never lost my voice in my relationship with God. It may not have been my preference to not be able to be involved in the ways I would have chosen because I couldn’t speak as clearly, but no lack of voice kept my prayers from being heard. I don’t need words with God. He knows my heart, He hears my thoughts, and I am “heard” when I am talking to Him even when no one else can hear, He does. I free to come and to come boldly. Not because I have something to offer but because who I am is worth it to Him. In His presence I am free in knowing that He is listening. He paid the price that we could have eternal life, that we could come boldly and freely because we are worth it. You are worth it to Him. So come. Ask in His will, for His will, knowing you are heard.