Monday, April 11, 2011

New Filters

“Change your filter so you can see things as they really are and taste things as they really can be. ”
Loren Thornburg

You can’t see it but you can taste the difference in unfiltered water. Besides the better taste, it is better for us not to be consuming water that has different contaminations in it. That’s why we have all sorts of filtrations systems that continue to be more advanced. Now they have red lights and signs when they are no longer filtering as they should be. This signals to us that it is time to put a new filter in. By definition a filter is a device for removing impurities. In our own lives we have things that need filtering. As things come at us and life happens we begin to build up contaminations in our hearts and minds. This affects how we see and react to things. We no longer see them as they really are but we see them through the contamination that has built up. Similar to the water filtration system we need our filters renewed. Don’t keep operating with the same dirty filter, let yours be made new.

“When you bow down before the Lord and admit your dependence on him, he will lift you up and give you honor.”
James 4:10 NLT

We can’t see the difference in the water nor can we see our hearts without help. We can taste that it is bad but we need God to be able to renew our filter. James is explaining some of what it looks like to walk out your faith. He shows us what it looks like to purify your heart. It includes bowing before the Lord and admitting in sorrow that our hearts are dirty and we need Him to clean them. We not only need Him but are solely dependent on Him to give us a new filter to lift us up to see rightly again; to see things as they really are, not through the junk that has accumulated in our hearts and minds. We have to come and we have to bow but only He can clean, purify and make new. Why drink the same dirty water when all you have to do is admit you need Him. He loves for you to come. He loves to make you new.

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