Monday, October 15, 2012

Meaning in the Mundane

“It’s the days that feel insignificant that are significant after all.”
Loren Thornburg

Life is a series of events in the middle of many mundane days.  We are all familiar with the mundane.  Theses are the things in our lives that lack excitement because we experience them as common and ordinary.  It’s in the dishes, the laundry, the meals, the same routine day after day that leaves us longing for something more.  Yet, what if you knew that it is in the mundane itself that gives life deeper meaning.  It is in the mundane that we learn perseverance for the hard days.  It is upon the mundane that the things of joy have greater significance.  The mundane is actually not mundane at all for those who can learn to see the meaning in it.  Each day is building us, growing us for the next thing.  There is meaning in this day, even in the mundane.  

“When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse everything I know of you.  From Jordan depths to Hermon heights, including Mount Mizar.  Chaos calls to chaos, to the tune of whitewater rapids.  Your breaking surf, your thundering breakers crash and crush me.  Then God promises to love me all day, sing songs all through the night! My life is God’s prayer.”
Psalm 42:6-8 Message

It’s one thing to seek God in the depths and the heights but what about the days that seem like just another day.  Here those are referred to as Mount Mizar for this site can not be located, implying it’s seeming insignificance.  This can be representative of our everyday walk with the Lord and the little things God does for us in what we see as mundane.  The food on our table, the wisdom in decisions, the provision in our jobs, the relationships that we have been given, they are all a part of His miracles that may in fact influence more than the big events.  You see it’s not mundane after all because these things happen every day.  So we can do look David and rehearse these small miracles that we know are from Him.  This invites His promises into our souls.  Either way His promises remain true.  He is with us every day.   When we learn to walk with Him and trust His promises there is nothing insignificant about that.  

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