Monday, January 16, 2012

Receive It

“Don’t miss out on life trying to figure it out.”

Loren Thornburg

Life is complicated at times. Some days it seems so simple and other days it’s easy to get bogged down trying to wrap your head around everything. I have found myself there, confused in life’s timing, reasonings, and workings. I seem to think that Loren’s best plan for her life is being missed. Yet, so often I find I am glad it didn’t work out the way that I figured was the best plan for me. I don’t always understand the whys but the more I let go of having to understand, the more I find I am falling in love with the mystery of not having to know. I am finding life is to be lived not understood. Not to say we shouldn’t process or think things through or attempt to find greater wisdom and knowledge. I am not saying that at all. For those things are all good and can be greatly beneficial, but not to become greater than simply living and receiving the life that has been given to you and is being given to you right now. Don’t miss it trying to figure it all out.

“...One night the Master spoke to Paul in a dream:"Keep it up, and don't let anyone intimidate or silence you. No matter what happens, I'm with you and no one is going to be able to hurt you. You have no idea how many people I have on my side in this city." That was all he needed to stick it out...” Acts 18:9-11 Message

I can’t help but want to be like Paul if for no other reason that right here in Acts. He received the Life being given to Him. He heard the voice of the Lord, was open to receive it as from the Lord, let it minister to His heart and “that was all he needed.” He didn’t need to figure it all out and go back an analyze on how to do it better or where he went wrong or how disappointed he was or how he wasn’t measuring up; which is often what I try to do. He received it, was encouraged and went on knowing that which had been spoken was true. God was WITH Him. That truth is still true today, and is true for you...yes You. God is WITH You. Will you receive it? Will you receive the life He is speaking and giving to you? He is not asking you to figure it out, but to look to Him, the One who has it all figured out.

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